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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Americana Done Right

Gilded Age is one of my favorite lines! They embody a classic Americana design aesthetic that I definitely identify with. Gilded Age clothing is inspired by America's "gilded age" where in the early 18th century the Northeast experienced the industurial revolution. Due to the proliferation of cotton and textile mills all along the Northeast coast denim production quickly became a widespread and lucrative industry. It's the spirit of that era that influences the creative direction of this label. Each piece is hand crafted from organic artisanal fabrics and natural dyes from their denim to their cardigans. Whoever thought that you could say progressive fashion and blue-collared in the same sentence. So, if in college you sucked at history then you've earned half a credit from reading this. Eh, maybe not but it's still good to know right! For coppin superior Americana flavor go to

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